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A fresh way of looking into the loves of women & the hardships they endure in our society. How a handful of them have the mettle to stand up to society to side with what they believe is right. Even today we live in a male dominated society where strangely the men decide the 'rights' & 'wrongs' that a woman should live by.
Definitely a good read from an upcoming writer, I'd encourage the writer to write more.

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Anupam Bhowmick

I finished reading the book "A Basket of Sunflowers" this week. All the seven stories are very nicely written. But I personally liked the story around "Suparna" the best.
You have adopted a unique way of narrative from the point of view of women. This angle of narrative has made the book very likeable and appealing to the readers.
I wish that you continue to write more and more, and make a distinctive mark for yourself among the Indian English writers. Wish you all the best for your future books.

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A Basket of Sunflowers


The book revolves around the lives of women which makes it so attractive.Most importantly every woman should read it 😊😊😊. The cover page and name of the book are also so unique and simple.

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That's the exact picture of strong women who stand by their informed decisions. Liked it.

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Rahul Burman

I appreciate the deep understanding of the author on challenges faced by women in society. He has nicely presented interesting stories of strong confident women who believe in themselves to fight back all the odds of societies in their way and keep moving forward in life. I wish him all the best for his future work.

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Shivani Chakraborty

*Seven wonders created by seven strong characters*
Oh my goodness. I got chills every time I got to the end of a story. All of the stories are engrossing and powerful, and they completely blew my mind. It managed to surpass my expectations. A very powerful book with seven strong female characters. I would recommend that every woman and man read the book because it gives you the strength and confidence to follow your decision and not blame others for the choice they made. 
Sir, this is an excellent gift for all women on Women's Day.

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Manali Mukherjee

Absolutely brilliant way of presenting the stories.. It was very easy to go with the flow of each character. Twist and turns will keep you glued till the end..each one is my best read.waiting for the next book.. Kudos to the author and a must read for all..

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Dhiraj Biswas

As a woman I am thrilled to have a spiritual, intellectual and philosophical meeting with all the seven women. Not only the protagonists, but also the associated women are also powerful in their own ambit. Most importantly the language of the book is lucid and perfectly expressing its emotions. Loved it.

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 This is a must read irrespective of u being a man or a woman. This book depicts an insight of ongoing stereotypes in a woman’s life and how one should have the courage of fighting back

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Suparna Bandopadhay

The selection and the collection of the stories ...are heartbreaking and inspiring at the same time. I love it. Your understanding of women and their strength of determination is amazing.

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Sagnika Das

Pinakie Kanshabanik comes back with an inspiring piece of work for all the women out there. A basket of sunflowers is a compilation of seven stories about seven different women. Each story tells the tale of a different woman dealing with certain challenges be it internal or external and how they own it. While reading the book, I found that there were a few stories I absolutely identified with. The stories are so original, relatable, moving and heartfelt at the same time.

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A Basu
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